Kailash Chander Gupta

Jyotish Acharya

www. Astrologyvidhya.com

email: Kcgupta09@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 971-186-6213

Namaste & Welcome

I am a retired senior telecom officer having served in the telecom industry for over 36 years. I have handled senior level post in Department of Telecom .  Since my younger age , I  always had keen interest in Hindu religion, History of nations and Jyotisha. Immediately after retirement,  I dedicated myself  in reading and understanding the various facets of Hinduism in great detail. My journey in Hinduism took me to write a book titled “Hinduism and Hindu way of life “ which is being received very well by the readers.

           Over the last 4 years , I have immersed my-self in the divine art and science of Astrology or Jyotish. I enrolled and completed Jyotish Acharya course from Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan, New Delhi. It is very comprehensive course of two years of four semesters having examination at the end of each semester. A very detailed study of various subjects of astrology viz Astrology in general, Mundane Astrology, Dasha System, Predictive Astrology, Astrology of marriage and children , Transits , Ashtakvarga System, Medical astrology, Astrology of Profession, Longevity, Varshaphal  etc were covered followed by a rigorous test paper. The syllabus of BVB equips the aspiring student with the basics and necessary  details which facilitates the student to go further deeper  in to this ocean.  t . Accordingly I have  read extensively  to enhance and enrich my knowledge and grip on astrology. To supplement my knowledge and to fill up gaps, I have also attended  course on KP Astrology , Vastu and  one  short course on Predictive Astrology  from well known teachers in the field. I would like to add here that astrology is a life long learning process and is not limited to a few courses.  

With great efforts ,  I have  developed a Advance Basic Course in Vedic Astrology . This course has been designed to address the aspirations of younger generation to learn  this great science . The course will give the  student a very good knowledge of astrology ; he will understand the horoscope , will start applying his mind on dasha, Bhavas etc to analyse  various aspects of life like wealth , profession , longevity , marriage , children etc. From my experience , I can say that it is necessary to have knowledge of Astrology because it guides the native what lies ahead for him in life ; thus prepares to handle bad situations efficiently . 

      As I mentioned, Jyotish is a very complex subject in which theoretical knowledge is important but intellect, intuition also plays a great role in developing necessary skill .  A practitioner or aspirant of Jyotish  should lead a satvik life which means faith in God , daily prayers , reading of scriptures , charity , compassion, gratitude will help in developing intuition. For that matter, Satvik life should be practiced by all irrespective to caste , creed and  religion . 

Friends , I welcome you to explore this journey into Jyotish and Hinduism with me. Keep an open mind and heart and the divine grace will bless you .

Kailash Chandra Gupta

Jyotish Acharya  

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